mail@...152... scrisse:
inkscape.pot:7:invalid nplurals value inkscape.pot:7:some header fields still have the initial default value So i think i have to take a look on the options for the inkscape.pot and change something. but i have no clue, what....
Let me say that we all appreciate new translators' effort. But this time it also seems to me that you aren't yet really familiar with all the .po framework. So please, stop here, and get in touch with previous German translators (Cc: here). I'm sure they'll address all your doubts.
However, I've already told you to do so while rejecting a not-so-good updating patch in bug #188319 :(
But as you asked a specific question, the answer is: yes, the .pot is general and you have to change the plural definition according to your language specification. Current de.po contains a fully valid definition.
Moreover, yesterday we entered the feature freeze, and I have updated all .po as they should now contains almost all strings. Please translate and check if there's something missing. But please note that we aren't yet in the string freeze, so changes will still happen.
Sincerely, Uwe
Cheers, Luca
P.S. May I advise you to read carefully