Hello fellow translators, I have updated downloads' page to point to 0.44.1 release. I updated pages for all translations(cz/sk, de, en, es, fr, it) with correct links to files and would like to ask those who did translations to look on downloads page and tell me if I screwed up anything in their translation and how to correct it :-)
Missing links (for .tar.bz2 and .package) were removed (commented out in html) until these packages are created(if they are to be created).
Also, I have noticed that there is one untranslated paragraph on downloads page for Italian translation. Could Luca or any other Italian speaking guy/girl update it? It is the first paragraph under "Development version/Versioni di sviluppo" heading.
Thanks for all your work sincerely Josef 'cornelius' Vybíral
P.S. this message is CCed to inkscape-devel list to inform developers about changes on website.