Hello Victor,
Victor Westmann píše v Út 25. 07. 2006 v 15:09 -0300:
Hey everybody,
I want to help to start/finish the file of this awesome vector graphics software to my native language (pt_BR :: portuguese from Brazil) does someone know what could I do to start it?
You are welcome :) It is recommended to contact previous translator or translation group for some information how they do the translation/corrections/revisions etc before uploading translation to Inkscape. And to prevent duplication of work. This information can be found in relevant .po file with localisation. For pt_BR the file says that last translator was Antônio Cláudio (LedStyle) ledstyle @ gmail.com and the language team is Brazillian Portuguese ldp-br @ bazar.conectiva.com.br .
You can also find relevant information how to translate Inkscape at the wiki in section TranslationInformation [1]. This page describes what all can be translated in Inkscape world. The information about translating interface of Inkscape can be found at [2] and describes how to get required files and what to use to translate them.
And, sorry to complaint folks, I really dont wanna sound arrogant or something like it, but the Inkscape site is really messy! At least the developer links are all most of them broke! Can I help fix it? Perhaps?
Thank you for informing us, I will temporarily disable detection of "pt" locale to prevent such bugs until the translation is fully available(or until I solve it in another way). At this moment only translation of text on the main page is available (and partially translation of menu too). If you would like to help us with translation of Inkscape website to Portuguese/Brazilian Portuguese, you are very welcome too. You can contact Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha ( ezequias @ recife.pe.gov.br ) who did above mentioned translation of website and cooperate with him. How to start translating website is described at the wiki [3].
Also feel free to come and join us on IRC irc.freenode.net, channel #inkscape if you have any other questions. There is usually at least one member of translators' team online during the day.
Sincerely Josef "cornelius" Vybíral
Links mentioned in the message: [1] http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Translation_information [2] http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/InterfaceTranslation#Interface_Trans... [3] http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/WebSiteTranslation