Hello translators,
the release notes for the 0.92.3 bug fix release are ready and available for translation in the Wiki at http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Release_notes/0.92.3
If you can help, but don't have Wiki access yet, please reply stating your desired user name for the Wiki.
When a release notes translation is finished, please also send a short message to this mailing list, so your translation can be placed on the website.
Release notes translations are not a priority (sponsors and the upcoming news item are more important), so if you don't have time for this long piece of text, don't worry too much. Also, any late translations are fine, if you cannot work on this right now.
Thank you - and also: I definitely recommend an update to 0.92.3, as soon as it will officially be released! It is a very good release, with lots of important things fixed and even a couple of small new features.
Kind Regards, Maren