Thanks Krzysztof, then I understand. -- Christoffer Holmstedt
2014-11-18 15:21 GMT+01:00 Krzysztof KosiĆski <tweenk.pl@...5...>:
2014-11-17 20:28 GMT+01:00 Christoffer Holmstedt <christoffer.holmstedt@...5...>:
hmm. I've been working on a Swedish translation since a few weeks back and I just tried my translation against trunk and it was committed nicely. (POT date the same) [1]. When I now committed it to 0.91 [2] it seems like POT date was out of sync.
### How do I set up a proper workflow to not end up in this situation?
With Git I would have just kept the different branches as they are and created a translation branch (like a hotfix branch in the git-flow mindset) that I could merge into the others when I felt it was ready, but I have no idea how to do this with Bazaar.
I'm not sure what exactly is the question, think you'd need to have 2 separate working trees: your translation work, and a checkout of the thing you want to merge it into. You would make your translation branch with 'bzr branch' and the checkout with 'bzr checkout', then do a 'bzr merge' once you feel your branch is ready.
### Revert current revision (0.91 branch, revision 13646, [2]) As my experience with Bazaar is limited I don't want to revert, which can go terrible wrong. Anyone else that knows how-to can just remove revision 13646 from 0.91 and I will make a new commit on Wednesday.
$ bzr merge -r13646..13645 .
This will apply changes from revision 13646 but in reverse. Then you can commit them to 'undo' the offending commit,. There is also "bzr uncommit", but it removes a revision from the tree, so it's disabled.
Some more recipes are available here: http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Working_with_Bazaar
Regards, Krzysztof