Does anyone know where these description strings are displayed on the GUI (I just want to see them on screen to know how long can the translated strings be):
"Bounding box edges" "Move mode"
There are a lot of strings of this kind, these are just two examples. They seem to be descriptions for actions. In source code they appear like this (src/widgets/toolbox.cpp):
InkToggleAction* act = ink_toggle_action_new("ToggleSnapToBBoxPath", _("Bounding box edges"), _("Snap to edges of a bounding box"), INKSCAPE_ICON_SNAP_BOUNDING_BOX_EDGES, secondarySize, SP_ATTR_INKSCAPE_BBOX_PATHS);
gtk_list_store_set( model, &iter, 0, _("Move mode"), 1, _("Move objects in any direction"), 2, INKSCAPE_ICON_OBJECT_TWEAK_PUSH, -1 );
Arpad Biro