Ühel kenal päeval, N, 2010-06-03 kell 21:53, kirjutas Marcin Floryan:
2010/6/3 Cristian Secară <orice@...245...>:
In some strings the measurment notation is in normal paranthesis (example: Vertical shift (px)), while in other strings the notation is in square bracket (example: Radius [px]).
Is there any particular reason for one or another ?
I wouldn't think there is really. I suspect it simply depends on who wrote the initial string.
Perhaps someone who knows English punctuation and editorial rules could say which is correct.
Regards, Marcin
Square brackets [] are sometimes preferred enclosure for dimensions, at least in physics, I myself like this style.
You even could define dimension for a variable apart from value like [v]=m/s or have a heading for table like "Length l [m]".