Hello All!
The Inkscape Project would like to send all developers, bug hunters, translators, designers, promoters, documenters, moderators, etc. an exclusive, free, contributors t-shirt (in unisex and women styles) as a "thank you" gift! The shirt is based upon the popular artwork of Rafael Alves Lopes (❤️) and will be run through GEEK NOOK (without fees, at cost to the project) for convenience in fulfillment and tracking.

Getting your free shirt is a two-step process:

  1. Complete this brief pre-approval questionnaire before Monday, November 22: https://office.inkscape.org/nextcloud/index.php/apps/forms/Nq2LinpkEkKqKDzj
  2. Watch your email inbox later this month for a link and discount code to order your shirt online.

If you're not sure you qualify, complete the questionnaire anyway. Team leads and/or the Project Leadership Committee will confirm eligibility, but our goal is to recognize as many contributors as possible.

Let me know if you have any questions, and thank you for all that you do for the people who benefit from Inkscape!


Ryan Gorley
Vectors Team