ScislaC and I are quite pleased with how -pre3 has shaped up, and are making the last call for 0.46.0 bug fixes, translations, etc. We will tag 0.46.0 at UTC 04:00 Mar 11 2008.
I've incorporated all patches sent to me or nominated for 0.46.x. If you have something I've missed, please get it to me this weekend.
There are 7 milestoned bugs left: 3 are translations, 3 are windows-specific, and 1 has a patch that just needs a quick test.
The translation patches I trust will be squared away in the coming days. Bug 189432 has a fix committed to trunk for upside down text with PDF, that just needs checked and I can commit the patch.
For any remaining translation work, please arrange to get it incorporated in the release branch by March 10th.
For the 3 windows bugs, progress has been slow on these. The consensus from the lengthy "0.46 release debate" thread is to tag 0.46.0 for Linux so we can get the release into Ubuntu and Fedora (which have a drop-dead date of March 13th for getting new Inkscape incorporated), but hold off on PR two weeks to give the extra time for Windows developers, because we would prefer to have full platform support for maximum PR effectiveness. If the Windows bugs are not sufficiently resolved by March 24th, we'll proceed with 0.46.0 being a non-Windows release, and hope they can be addressed in time for 0.46.1.