Hi Victor
I want to help to start/finish the file of this awesome vector graphics software to my native language (pt_BR :: portuguese from Brazil) does someone know what could I do to start it?
You are welcome :) It is recommended to contact previous translator or translation group for some information how they do the translation/corrections/revisions etc before uploading translation to Inkscape. And to prevent duplication of work. This information can be found in relevant .po file with localisation. For pt_BR the file says that last translator was Antônio Cláudio (LedStyle) ledstyle @ gmail.com and the language team is Brazillian Portuguese ldp-br @ bazar.conectiva.com.br .
Please also contact Thiago Pimentel. Thiago has recently translated all the tutorials in Brazilian Portuguese, and also volunteered for helping on the interface translation too. Unfortunately, it's been a long time since we've last had some news from Ledstyle (when taking a llok at the svn history for pt_BR, his last update was done in May). If you don't get any answer from Ledstyle in the next days, i guess Thiago and you can maybe start working on this translation.
-> I guess that with Thiago, Ledstyle and Ezequias, you could be able to start a pt_BR team :)
Thanks for your mail,