Hi all,
there are a lot of documents to translate in order to bring a complete localized version of Inkscape, here is a sum-up (plus my personnal ranking).
- the software (plus extensions) strings : language.po (obviously : priority 1 for me) - some text documents in the tree (hacking.txt, readme.txt, install.txt ...) (priority 3 : quite stable, not really time consumming, but not readen by a lot users) - tutorials (priority 2 : of great added value for users + embedded in terface) - keyboard shortcuts (priority 3 : of great added value for users + embedded in terface) - release notes (time consumming but can be of great added value for users + potential users) - specific web pages on Inkscape site (not stable at all :(, time consumming, great added value for the marketing of Inkscape)
I'd like to read some of your experiences on those tasks, what importance do you give to them, what is your evaluated ratio 'time consummed' / 'added value'