Dear fellow website translators,
Inkscape has received a donation from the first 'Silver Sponsor' (more info about the levels here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~inkscape.board/+junk/board-docs/view/head:/reso...).
This means that the sponsor is mentioned on the sponsors page and on the home page.
For the sponsors page (https://inkscape.org/en/support-us/sponsors/), you can download the image's original version from here:
and upload the file into a new image plugin.
After inserting the plugin (and adjusting its settings to match those of the English plugin), switch to source mode to copy the styling from the other items in the sponsor list.
The link on the home page doesn't have any specific styling (aside from centering the item), so that will be a quick change to make: https://inkscape.org/en/
I'd like to give a special thanks to Roberto - your pt-br translation looks very complete now (together with French, Portuguese and German)!
Kind Regards, Maren