Hi all,
Web version available here: https://gitlab.com/translations-devroom/cfp
# FOSDEM 2024 In Person -- Translations DevRoom Call for Participation!
FOSDEM 2024 [1] will take place on Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th February 2024 in Brussels, Belgium.
## Key dates / New updates
* Conference dates: 3-4 February, 2024 In person. * Translations DevRoom [2] date: Sunday 4th February (half a day in the morning). * Submission deadline: Sunday 10th December. * Announcement of selected talks: Friday 15th December. * You must be available in person to present your talk. * Talk submissions should be 30 mins and this should include Q&A time.
For the second year in a row, FOSDEM will hold a devroom on all things related to translating FLOSS projects.
* Recruiting new people to translate your project. * How it works in your project to translate softwares, websites, packages, manuals, tools, and so on. * Which tools are used by translators. * Exchange experiences between FLOSS projects. * Rewarding volunteer contributors and keeping volunteers motivated. * Showing which languages your project has been translated to.
Again, these are just suggestions. We welcome proposals on any aspect of translations!
* Visit the FOSDEM 2024 pretalx [3] website. This has replaced Pentabarf! * Follow the instructions to create an account. * Once logged in, select “submit a CFP”. * Your submission must include the following information: - Proposal title - Track - Select **Translations** from the drop down list - Abstract - Description - Add any other details as needed to the Submission notes. - Additional speaker - _Click Continue or you can save and come back to it_ - About your proposal: Which open source license do you use? - FOSDEM is an open-source software conference, please specify which OSI approved license [4] your proposal uses. - Extra review material, only shown to reviewers (not published when scheduled) - Extra Contact details (optional) - _Click Continue or you can save and come back to it_ - Finally tell us your name - Biography - Availability
If you need to get in touch with the organiser of the Translations DevRoom, email us at translations-devroom-manager@fosdem.org
FOSDEM code of conduct [5].
Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana - Translations DevRoom Organiser
[1] https://fosdem.org/2024 [2] https://fosdem.org/2024/schedule/track/translations [3] https://pretalx.fosdem.org/fosdem-2024/cfp [4] https://opensource.org/licenses [5] https://fosdem.org/2024/practical/conduct