Clytie Siddall píše v So 09. 12. 2006 v 17:38 +1030:
I can try asking Bryce to do it if other translators do agree to close the list for subscribers only. Gentlemen, please speak.
Yes, this can be done. As with the other lists we simply need the agreement of a significant number of the members.
Keep in mind the downside of this approach is that it makes it difficult for non-members to post - they must first register. But for inkscape-user and inkscape-devel we felt this was a small price to pay for the benefit of no spam.
+1 [1]
Thanks for your vote
I think it's our only choice. Over 65% increase in spam recently, and it's no longer an amateur activity: it's organized crime [2]. :(
I agree, the only benefit users have is that they can freely post messages here and imo if they want to report a bug in translation or offer some help, then the registration will not be a problem for them.
[1] I'm not a gentleman. ;)
My deepest apologies milady. I realized that right after pressing "send" button. Feel free to choose any punishment you see appropriate for this terrible mistake :)
Sincerely Josef "cornelius" Vybíral