On Sat, Jun 03, 2006 at 01:13:10AM +0200, Matiphas wrote:
Le vendredi 02 juin 2006 ?? 16:00 -0700, Bryce Harrington a ??crit :
Hi Matiphas,
Could you show a list of the ones that changed? Also, is the HTML
Obviously : ko (8 to 40%), nb ( 6 to 34%) and nn (64 to 75%) are now ramping up , zh_CN has undergone a BIG boost (5 to 99%), hu is back in the race (72 to 76% and arpad looks like wanting to commit some othe things, but failed due to down svn), lt back in the race too (82 to 90%), and sk has maybe found a new volunteer.
Great, thanks! I'll add this to the homepage.
By the way, for anyone that is having svn commit issues: SourceForge just recently changed how the svn permissions work, which is why many people cannot commit. Please ask Jon Cruz to set your access if you need it.
export version working? It'd be nice to post about the changes to the website.
I've been a bit busy this week. But should have some time before it ends. So will give it a shot tomorrow.
Great, thanks!