Dear fellow website translators,
the English FAQ has been updated, to
- add info about JPEG export (section https://inkscape.org/en/learn/faq/#what-formats-can-inkscape-importexport - no complete diff screenshot available)
- improve info about background color export (section https://inkscape.org/en/learn/faq/#how-to-make-a-transparent-background-or-c... , see attached screenshot)
And Martin is currently working on improving the CMS diff capabilities, so maybe this job of regularly posting updates to the list will soon be 'automated away', as the website can then produce its own diffs.
When that's available, I'll ask you all to subscribe to page updates instead. I'll make a feature request that we can restrict subscription to specific languages then, so you won't get tons of emails for each edit made to any language.
Kind Regards, Maren