I will now send an email to the pt_BR.po maitainer to let him know about what's going on.
Excellent. The strings to modify in the po file (interface translation) are: "tutorial-basic.svg", "tutorial-shapes.svg", "tutorial-advanced.svg", "tutorial-tracing.svg", "tutorial-calligraphy.svg", "tutorial-elements.svg", "tutorial-tips.svg" : they must be translated with the names of your pt_BR documents (ex: "tutorial-basic.pt_BR.svg" ...) But they should not be modified before your translated tutorials are in the svn trunk.
I would like to know if there's time to get my translation added in the next stable release (0.44) ? I hope so, since pt_BR users will benefit from it.
I hope so. There are some others new translations and/or updates also waiting in the patch tracker. Having them in 0.44 would be very cool for users.