El mar, 16-05-2006 a las 17:27 +0200, Xavier Conde Rueda escribió:
Don't you think we should ask for translators? I think it would be useful to call for help through the news front page. For instance, GNOME project offcially supports those languages with more than 80 %, and I think there are only 8 languages with more than 80 % on Inkscape. This should be improved!
The only trouble is that the GNOME project only translates software that's part of it. One of the requisites is that the software be on their servers in order to be abel to update the stats and all that. Anyway I am a member of the spanish GNOME team and I'm in charge of the translation of Inkscape to spanish, so maybe we could attract translators that are already doing stuff for GNOME and help us out too.
Also, it would be useful to have this kind of reports online, as GNOME, so people can access this information quickly:
We should also improve the translationinformation wiki page, with useful info for people who know nothing about translating. It should cover a full process flow:
· contact to a local translation group, to get support and help on your language · subscribe to this list, · get files from svn or web interface · how to translate PO/tutorials/etc. · submit finished work to patch tracker
I think this work should be done by people without a technical background, plain users may afford to have a translation done.
More ideas on how to improve the translation statistics?
2006/5/16, Luca Bruno <gnug.torte@...20...>:
Matiphas <matiphas@...9...> scrisse:
it translated: 1547 ( 73 %), fuzzy: 323 ( 15 %), untranslated: 241 ( 11 %), total : 2111
My translation was really outdated. This weekend I had some spare time so I updated it. Just committed to SVN. Now statistics are:
| it | translated: 2015 ( 95 %), fuzzy: 43 ( 2 %), untranslated: 53 ( 2 | %), total: 2111
It should reach 100% next weekend :)
Total number of PO files: 38 Significantly translated PO file count: 7 Average number of strings translated: 1973 ( 93 %) Significantly translated locales: ca cs de es fr lt sl
Counting also Italian, significantly translated PO file count just gets to 8....
Cheers, Luca
-- .''`. ** Debian GNU/Linux ** | Luca Bruno : :' : The Universal O.S. | luca.br(AT)uno.it `. `'` | GPG Key ID: 3BFB9FB3 `- http://www.debian.org | Proud Debian GNU/Linux User