Hi all, 

Hope you’re doing well. 

I am slowly sorting out a few things I came across with on the website, one of those being some items of the main Menu that were not translated. I’ve checked the po file to make sure there wasn’t any missing lines, but that doesn’t seem to be the case (have a look on the side menu half is translated and half isn’t).

I don’t think the problem I am facing is a bug, but just a matter of getting my head around all the different content management tools we have. For this reason, I haven’t published the changes yet, meaning you will see the site as it still is.

Community » Gallery & Teams

Hence, I would be very grateful if you guys could help me to figure out what I am doing wrong =).

On another note: Maren, the sponsors page is fixed for pt-br.

Have you all a lovely day,

Kind regards,

Ps.: I had added a few screenshots here, but the message got too big, so just removed them =).