and sorry, please help me(sujiniku).

The Japanese home page( ) 's picture(image) was maybe erased by mistake.

Please repair.

so ,in japanese home page ,
now  "eisvogal_blended2.png" and "inkscape_sheild_the_golden_ribbon_by_golden_ribbon-d8k4svs.png" and "farm_1.png" and "sunset.png" etc is not view.

Please repair to view these image As other language's home page.


On 2016年04月27日 07:23, sujiniku wrote:
Sorry, Please help me (sujiniku).

I am sujiniku (a new translator of Japanese  at inkscape-website).

I make mistake ,I made two wrong page by my mistake.

"japanese-download-linux-inkscape" and "japabese_download_linux" are wrong pages.

I want to erase these two page. but I don't know how to erase these wrong pages.

I want to erase these two wrong page.


The operation that I wanted to is the next operation.

I want to edit " " page, but the content is not viewed at edit mode at Japanese language , therefore I cannot edit and cannot translate this page.
