A "Keys and mouse reference" translation system is available in the inkscape-docs project as of revision 385 (see https://code.launchpad.net/inkscape-docs).
The new keys.xml has been almost entirely docbookified in order to make its conversion to PO easier, and the resulting HTML file is slightly different than the current one (new external CSS, some style changes, and strict XHTML 1.0). I didn't wanted to change its aspect too drastically, and thus only fine-tuned some styles in order to (hopefully!) improve the overall readability on most browsers (tested with Opera 10.63, IE8 and Firefox 3.6.10 on Windows XP, and Firefox 3.6.10 on Ubuntu 10.04). Don't hesitate to comment.
To add a new translation, copy keys.pot (from http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~inkscape.dev/inkscape-docs/trunk/files/head%3A/...) to LANG.po, translate (only 939 strings...), and attach the PO file to a bug report, send it to the translators' list, or commit it if you have the appropriate rights. Then update the UI translation file to redirect the link to the new HTML file on the website.
BTW, we currently use keysVERSION.html (keys048.html) and thus it would be straightforward to use keysVERSION.LANG.html (keys049.sk.html...). But we could also choose keys-VERSION-LANG.html (keys-049-ja.po). Any preference? or another idea?
Regards. -- Nicolas