Le 04/06/2016 à 17:44, Maren Hachmann a écrit :
Am 04.06.2016 um 16:55 schrieb Sylvain Chiron:
Le 03/06/2016 à 17:28, Martin Owens a écrit :
I can say that you should consider any new website design to be frozen and you can sort on any part of the design for the website for incremental improvements. I've been ding that for the past few months too.
Do you mean ‘shouldn't’? That's OK.
- Sorry for chiming in, Martin.
Sylvain, what he means is that there are no current efforts going on for a revolutionary redesign of the page. But we can make small changes to improve the current design.
Okay… Strange language. That's understood.
We do only want to change those inside the cms pages. All other h2 and h3 headings (unless there aren't any? You could check that first, to see if this is necessary) must stay the same.
There are others actually, but they all redefine their own margin and size. Wait… OK, you're right, there are many headings elsewhere — :). There is no overriding rule here: https://inkscape.org/en/*users/chat/ So I'll make different rules: ‘.wrapper h2’ and ‘.wrapper h3’.
Le 03/06/2016 à 19:48, Maren Hachmann a écrit :
If you do make this change, it would help if you could also take some time to remove (at least a few of) the paragraphs when the fix has been released, so the pages will not look weird due to huge gaps between the headings and the following texts.
I don't think there's a need to wait. I'll remove the paragraphs right now except in the FAQ for which I'll wait.
- It is quite hard to find the part we want when editing the FAQ; could
we subdivide the only text plugin in several text plugins, one for each section?
- That's an option. Before we continue to discuss if it is to be
implemented, please research if those plugins must then also be added to all translations.
I think there's no link between text plugins in different languages. Optionnally, only translators who want several text plugins could subdivide.
It may be that missing plugins will automatically be substituted by their English counterparts (I think due to a bug in current django, this does not happen, but as soon as they fix the bug, there could be a problem - there was something about this in their bug tracker, I seem to remember).
You mean that if we try to take the links from a text plugin to another, we may get the English links (as the plugins will remain childs of the initial text plugin)? However… If we try to move the plugins from a text plugin to another, it will simply remove the plugins' data and the plugins won't exist in the second text plugin (I just tried on the sandbox)… Thus it would be a very difficult task to subdivide as I thought…
I could imagine splitting the FAQ into its major 7 sections, but having a single one for each question would make editing a bit annoying (also it's too much editing work to put that change in, as copy-paste for links or images between plugins might not work as expected).
Yes, I was talking about a splitting for the major sections. -- Sylvain