You did nothing wrong, you created a fork of Inkscape's repository. A fork is a personal copy of the source code base you can make changes to, without disrupting the original owners. It is actually the first step to committing your local changes.
On 15/02/2024 at 00:13, "Ana G" jogos.olele@gmail.com wrote:
Hi again guys,
So sorry for the late message.
I was just worried that I might have done something on Gitlab, after the news that I translated.
because I see that there it states that I'm a vector image editor, which I'm not and I just thought maybe there's something wrong? I "forked" something, it's my 1st time on such website, and maybe I did something wrong by doing that? I can't seem to change anything or it's my lack of knowledge.
I send you a screenshot of my profile, maybe you see what I mean.
no pressure on replying. just thought I'd share.
have a good evening*