Dear Sylvain,
Am 04.06.2016 um 18:40 schrieb Sylvain Chiron:
Le 03/06/2016 à 19:48, Maren Hachmann a écrit :
If you do make this change, it would help if you could also take some time to remove (at least a few of) the paragraphs when the fix has been released, so the pages will not look weird due to huge gaps between the headings and the following texts.
I don't think there's a need to wait. I'll remove the paragraphs right now except in the FAQ for which I'll wait.
- I agree. Thank you for starting out on this!
It may be that missing plugins will automatically be substituted by their English counterparts (I think due to a bug in current django, this does not happen, but as soon as they fix the bug, there could be a problem - there was something about this in their bug tracker, I seem to remember).
- I just had time to look up the bug I was thinking of. Fortunately, it was about specific *nested* plugins not showing up when the translation doesn't have any plugins, so it's not relevant here.
However… If we try to move the plugins from a text plugin to another, it will simply remove the plugins' data and the plugins won't exist in the second text plugin (I just tried on the sandbox)… Thus it would be a very difficult task to subdivide as I thought…
- Yes, that's what I meant by "as copy-paste for links or images between plugins might not work as expected". Nested plugins are saved as children of other plugins. When removed from their original place, and pasted into another one, I assume that they will be gone, because they are deleted from their original place.
I could imagine splitting the FAQ into its major 7 sections, but having a single one for each question would make editing a bit annoying (also it's too much editing work to put that change in, as copy-paste for links or images between plugins might not work as expected).
Yes, I was talking about a splitting for the major sections.
- So I agree that's a lot of work. Only you can decide if it would be worth the gain for you.
I can work with both situations, and I think Brynn can, too. It might make work a tiny bit faster, but not enough so that I would want to do the splitting myself. Maybe there's something else that would profit from our time investment more than this? We've got enough bug reports for inkscape-web to have work for a couple of months...
You seem to like javascript stuff, so maybe the inbox problems or the TOC customization could profit from your work.
Before you start working on any bug, please add a comment there, telling the others that you plan to work on it (so we don't work on the same bug at the same time), and also sketch roughly what you'd do to fix it. We can then give feedback, or add some more info to the report before you start working on it. Sometimes, things have changed since the bug was first reported, or we may know or plan something that you cannot know about.
Kind Regards, Maren