I would also like at this time to declare String Freeze, to assist translators in finalizing their translations. If there are any remaining string issues such as non-translatable strings or fixes to existing strings, please send patches in ASAP.
I made a bug report of all string problems I'm aware of: http://sf.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1645093&group_id=934...
Could other translators please check if they also see the "string translated, but appears in English" problems described there?
Plus I have the following questions for translation:
"Trace along the boundaries of reduced colors"
(in "Trace bitmap" dialog)
-- does "reduced colors" mean "less colors" here?
"Isotropic scaling (uses smallest: width/xrange or height/yrange)"
(in "Function Plotter" extension)
-- does this mean: "use the smaller of those two values"?
"Scale Factor (Drawing:Real Length) = 1:"
(in "Measure Path" extension)
-- what does "(Drawing:Real Length) = 1" mean?
"Text Outline File"
(in "Outline 2 SVG" extension)
-- what's a "text outline"?
Arpad Biro
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