Hi Ana
I think it is probably easier to get a translation program and get right to it for the actual translation part. That is relatively straightforward and motivating to get started, worry about the rest later.
The actual translation proper requires editing the .pot file you have downloaded. You can certainly edit it directly with any plain-text editor, but you'll have to deal with markup manually, navigate the structure by hand and tread lightly not to corrupt the file structure, so a dedicated editor while not mandatory is recommended. I've used POEdit in the past with satisfying results.
You also don't need to go through all the trouble to learn GitLab. You can certainly create a fork, make a branch, do some commits, and then do a pull request, but that can be tricky for such a mundane task. The easier route would be to just send the file here to the mailing list and ask someone to commit it for you. You may also get your translated file, open an issue and ask the developers to commit the changes for you.
The procedure would go roughly like:
Get a translation editor application like PoEdit
Download the .pot files from Inkscape
Open, edit the pot file, and do you translations locally. Don't forget to save
Once you are satisfied, send it here to the mailing list, Inkscape chat, or open an issue over at GitLab
Wait for someone to commit the changes for you
Let us know if you have further doubts
On 13/02/2024 at 18:25, "Ana G" jogos.olele@gmail.com wrote:
Yellow again. Hope all is well.
By now I'm slightly confused where we are supposed to swap messages with each other. I hope this is it; I feel a bit stupid by now :)))
As I'm trying to understand the process and software's to translate I registered on GitLab in the meantime.
How should I go from there? I tried looking for some explanations here on the archive but it seems it may take a while. Regarding wiki, I've read most of it, if not all and I'm still unsure how to do it. I still haven't decide for a translation software, maybe that's the issue. I really need those right? I thought I could just translate directly from a file into the file itself, silly moi.
In any case, I'm exploring Gitlab. Feel free to let me know what to from here/there. I'm also reading some explanations there. My email account is basically the same as here.
Speak soon! _______________________________________________ Inkscape Translators mailing list -- inkscape-translator@lists.inkscape.org To unsubscribe send an email to inkscape-translator-leave@lists.inkscape.org