
Thanks for yor reply :-)  I will do that.

2008/4/20, Marcin Floryan <marcin.floryan@...5...>:
On 20/04/2008, Davorin Šego <davorin.sego@...5...> wrote:
> Anybody translating into croatian? I've already started to edit the hr.po
> file and translated another 7% (it was on 5%). How do i submit the file when
> I'm done? I won't have any time for tranlating next week, but after that i
> am willing to translate at least 30-40% in the week that follows.

Hi Davorin,

Thanks for taking up the work on Inkscape translation. If you look for
croation translation contacts you might try looking into the .po file
for some emails. Once you have advanced you translation a little bit
please email the zipped .po files to this list and it will be included
in the next release of Inkscape.

Marcin Floryan

Please consider the environment before printing this email.

Davorin Šego