Le samedi 03 juin 2006 à 14:04 +0200, Xavier Conde Rueda a écrit :
Any idea about the meaning of counterdirectional?
#. TRANSLATORS: for info, see http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/CR-SVG-20000802/painting.html#FillRuleProperty #: ../src/widgets/paint-selector.cpp:201 msgid "" "Fill is solid unless a subpath is counterdirectional (fill-rule: nonzero)" msgstr ""
Yes a subpath has an opposite direction (is drawn in opposite direction) (imagine 1 big and 1 small disks with the same center but rotating in opposite direction). the small disk will be seen as a hole in the big one.
If they are rotating in the same direction, you don't see anything
Also clipping path:
#: ../src/ui/dialog/inkscape-preferences.cpp:531 msgid "Clipping and masking:" msgstr ""
#: ../src/ui/dialog/inkscape-preferences.cpp:532 msgid "Use the topmost selected object as a clipping path or mask" msgstr ""
SVG standard will explain much better than me :). see links bellow http://www.svgbasics.com/clipping.html http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/masking.html