Hi AnttiS,
I think I'd have some spare time to spent on translating Inkscape to finnish. If I understood correctly there is no finnish translation team? If there is or should be started... Need any help?
Welcome on board ! Yes, we are missing a finnish translator, and i guess a lot of finnish users would be more than happy with a finnish version of Inkscape. If you volunteer, you will find some support on this ML, and on irc (freenode server, #inkscape channel). A good place to get an introduction on how to translate inkscape is the following wiki page: http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Translation_information I'm a bit in a hurry, but I'll send a more detailed mail tomorrow.
If you're a bit patient, i can generate a fi.po file with already a few (almost5%) strings translated before the end of this week. This can help you starting on a small basis. On the other hand starting from raw is maybe a good way for you to dive into the file.
The wiki page i sent you yesterday insist on general information about Inkscape translation Detailed information on how we usually deal with interface translation can be found here : http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/InterfaceTranslation#Interface_Trans...
In case you need some online support, a few tranlators are often present on irc (freenode/#inkscape), especially in the (late) evening (european time zones). Just connect, and write the magic words "translators, i need help" on #inkscape :).
Best regards,