Leandro Regueiro píše v St 23. 08. 2006 v 10:28 +0200:
But have a question. When the .po file will be ready, what to do with it? Submit it to sf.net as patch? I hope I understanded the info on
right ;)
Exactly :) Submit it as a patch and announce here that there is an updated translation available and also the number of patch(perhaps also a link to it). The file will then be checked and commited if gathered as working.
Hi, I'm tha galician translator. How can I make a patch?
a patch in case of translations means to submit translated xx.po file to the patch tracker. No xx.patch file creation is required in these cases. Sometimes you only have to .zip or .tar.gz the file with translation before submitting to the patch tracker of inkscape at sf.net(300kB file upload limit).
Ah, and please do not forget to mention for what version of Inkscape the translation patch is. There are two versions available which developers work on these days; SVN-trunk version and 0.44.1-pre release version(this version does not contain some features/strings that SVN version does and it would make errors if svn strings were put into 0.44.1-pre).
sincerely Josef 'cornelius' Vybíral