Hi all,
Some remarks as I am going on with the translation of the website.
Some links have died in the « Around the Internet » list: * Baked Babies * cube hobo web comic I couldn't find them on the Internet either. Should we remove them?
Also, ‘PixelPalaces pressents:’, shouldn't it be ‘PixelPalaces presents:’? (And it's a bit hard to find the comic sometimes.)
Some sites listed on the same page have moved: * Modelshop (.com → .fr) * 17deg.com * Gatonegro deseño * Sune Donath The links should be updated, shouldn't they?
Also, in this section: https://inkscape.org/en/contribute/testing/#inkscape-testers there are three links which lead nowhere. And the questions at the end are a bit weird. At the end of the introduction of the page, there was also a paragraph: ‘? Follow up’; I didn't understand what it meant and I removed it. This page is probably missing some finalization… -- Sylvain