On Thu, 08 Jun 2006 17:54:49 +0200, Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha <ezequias@...44...> wrote:
Hi list,
Could someone tell me where is the left-side pane with all links ? I would like to translate all them.
Navigation bar has all translations in includes/localised.inc. This file has to be copied, renamed to localised-pt.inc and then translated.
btw can you please send me translation of localised.en.inc file again and zipped if possible? The file you sent in previous mail has been attached to the mail as text and I was unable to extract it from the body of mail message. Or as I noticed now you have SVN access so you can commit it to the SVN as localised-pt.inc (do NOT forget to rename it to localised-pt.inc please). I will check it and upload to the web.
Thanks Josef "cornelius" Vybíral