Am 04.02.2017 um 14:55 schrieb Sveinn í Felli:
I have been searching for where the 'Apply' button is translated, the one in all the Filters and Extension subdialogs (where menuitem ends with '...'). There are usually two buttons; 'Close' and 'Apply' - the former is already translated to Icelandic, but the latter is shown in English.
There's no occurrence of 'Apply' in the PO/POT files, so it must come from the desktop environment (GNOME?) - the problem is from where? I've tried grepping the source code, but without clear results so far.
Does anyone know here it stems from?
Best regards, Sveinn í Felli
You're searching for "Gtk::Stock::APPLY" (see src/extension/prefdialog.cpp) which is is part of GTK. If the string is not translated for you, it's not translated in GTK's .po files themselves (i.e. for 'de' locale the button is properly translated).
May I ask which build of Inkscape you use? In the 64-bit Windows build I just checked (which uses gtk2 from the devlibs64) the String seems to be translated.
Regards, Eduard