Hi all!
We're about to publish .92.2 and so far, french, and german translations appear to be "fully up to date" (100%)
Could you tell if you plan to submit a translation update soon-ish?
The languages that appear "close" (>80%) to be fully translated are for instance:
breizh (7405/8133), catalan (8073/8133), greek (7655/8133), en_GB (8129/8133), euskadi (7202/8133), spanish (7620/8133), icelandic (7052/8133), italian (7564/8133), japanese (6990/8133), latvian (8089/8133), dutch (8016/8133), portugese (8016/8133), slovak (7882/8133), zh_CN (7776/8133), zh_TW (7598/8133), and any other that you're working on or that I've missed
Important note: Don't forget to update your po file with the inkscape.pot file https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/blob/0.92.x/po/inkscape.pot to see the complete list of strings to be translated!
Nicolas, if you know ways to contact translators that would not be on this list, can you copy it to them?
Thanks all for all your work!