Re: [Inkscape-translator] new strings; let's prepare translations for release!

Hi all,
I've got most of the messages transalated to Basque lang, so now I'm going to update with new POT file. When is 0.47 release date (or deadline) scheduled?
Thanks and best regards,
Jatorrizko mezua: ar., 2009-04-28 19:53 +0200, egilea: helix84
Hello, I ran in trunk again and commited in r21250.
For those who don't watch news at regularly - there will be a release soon, so let's prepare our translations for 0.47. There wasn't a string freeze yet so a few strings will change before the release but if you start working now and get your translation as close to 100% as possible you may have time to do proofreading and checking before release.
So let's start translating now to make 0.47 the best possible quality!
participants (1)