Re: [Inkscape-translator] Inkscape translation current status

FYI, European portuguese is unmantained. Also, again suggested to move to GNOME SVN.
2006/6/7, Xavier Conde Rueda <xavi.conde@...5...>:
Hi Duarte,
many thanks for your answer, I understand your point. By the way, maybe you can ask on your translation team if somebody wants to mantain the Inkscape translation. It's an important application and it's being included in many distros, so having it on Portugese should be a must!
Despite it's not in GNOME svn (this point has been discussed too), the tasks to uplaod/submit are explained on the wiki page, so it should be no problem for any translator.
2006/6/7, Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt@...43...>:
Hello, Xavier
Thank you for your contact regarding Inkscape.
As you may notice from the translation header on the po file, technicaly I never did a Portuguese (European) translation of Inkscape. I translated/maintained Sodipodi translations as part of my work as for the GNOME Translation Project. When people forked Inkscape out of Sodipodi, "my" translation got in the fork.
Although I don't object to my translation being included (it may even make you win a new translator), I currently haven't got many free time for translations. As such, I'm limiting myself to the main (libs and desktop) areas of the GNOME Translation Project, even setting aside the Office, 5th Toe and Extras. As such, I even less have time (or am willing) to translate and maintain an application that is hosted on a different CVS/SVN server, with different sets of maintenance tools or translation statistics or release schedules or freeze policies.
I hope you don't take this the wrong way and don't get mad at me. I wish you luck with keeping Inkscape going. Best regards
Duarte "HappyGuy" Loreto "Don't worry, be happy!"
From: "Xavier Conde Rueda" <xavi.conde@...5...> To: xavi.conde@...5... Subject: Inkscape translation current status Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2006 00:12:10 +0200
My name is Xavi Conde, and I'm a member of Inkscape translation team. Since 0.44 release is near completion, we are approaching current translators to provide the most up to date translation of Inkscape. Many languages can improve its statistics and reach more than 80% of the strings, which we consider a supported language.
Recently, a translators mailing list was created. Translators are encouraged to subscribe from Also, a wiki page exists with lots of information for translators.
In case you are not interested in mantaining the Inkscape translation to your language any more, you may still help us by forwarding these request to a local translator language team or another person, in case somebody else is interested in mantaining the translation.
Many thanks in advance!
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Google talk: xavi.conde a
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Xavier Conde Rueda