Hi all,
I've started making a Slovak translation for Inkscape a few days ago. I was unsatisfied with the state of SK translation and meanings of some words. Some of them didn't made sense in graphics world althought they were translated correctly. So this this not to be taken as jaw out on previous translator. About 20% is done allready. Hope to finish this in about 2-3 weeks ;)
But have a question. When the .po file will be ready, what to do with it? Submit it to sf.net as patch? I hope I understanded the info on wiki right ;)
Hi and be welcome! :)
(sorry for duplicate, I forgot to reply to ML too)
graffoo píše v St 23. 08. 2006 v 08:48 +0200:
Hi all,
I've started making a Slovak translation for Inkscape a few days ago.
was unsatisfied with the state of SK translation and meanings of some words. Some of them didn't made sense in graphics world althought
were translated correctly. So this this not to be taken as jaw out on previous translator. About 20% is done allready. Hope to finish this
about 2-3 weeks ;)
That is great! But also more great it would be if you finish it before the release of 0.44.1 version ;-) (the .po file for this version can be found in .tar.gz package of .44.1-pre1 available at sf.net)
There is one important note, have you already contacted previous translators of the sk.po file if they are not working on it? (To avoid duplication of work).
But have a question. When the .po file will be ready, what to do with it? Submit it to sf.net as patch? I hope I understanded the info on
right ;)
Exactly :) Submit it as a patch and announce here that there is an updated translation available and also the number of patch(perhaps also a link to it). The file will then be checked and commited if gathered as working.
sincerelly Josef 'cornelius' Vybíral
But have a question. When the .po file will be ready, what to do with it? Submit it to sf.net as patch? I hope I understanded the info on
right ;)
Exactly :) Submit it as a patch and announce here that there is an updated translation available and also the number of patch(perhaps also a link to it). The file will then be checked and commited if gathered as working.
sincerelly Josef 'cornelius' Vybíral
Hi, I'm tha galician translator. How can I make a patch?
Thanks Leandro Regueiro
Josef Vybiral wrote:
Hi and be welcome! :)
(sorry for duplicate, I forgot to reply to ML too)
graffoo píše v St 23. 08. 2006 v 08:48 +0200:
Hi all,
I've started making a Slovak translation for Inkscape a few days ago.
was unsatisfied with the state of SK translation and meanings of some words. Some of them didn't made sense in graphics world althought
were translated correctly. So this this not to be taken as jaw out on previous translator. About 20% is done allready. Hope to finish this
about 2-3 weeks ;)
That is great! But also more great it would be if you finish it before the release of 0.44.1 version ;-) (the .po file for this version can be found in .tar.gz package of .44.1-pre1 available at sf.net)
I'll try, we will have two holidays in Slovakia next week so I'll be off the phone and translating like wheeee ;)
There is one important note, have you already contacted previous translators of the sk.po file if they are not working on it? (To avoid duplication of work).
Ooops, I didn't :( I assumed that they stopped working on it after the patch was closed, see http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1512088&gro... and no other progress was visible last months. But I'll try to contact with them (him?)
Leandro Regueiro píše v St 23. 08. 2006 v 10:28 +0200:
But have a question. When the .po file will be ready, what to do with it? Submit it to sf.net as patch? I hope I understanded the info on
right ;)
Exactly :) Submit it as a patch and announce here that there is an updated translation available and also the number of patch(perhaps also a link to it). The file will then be checked and commited if gathered as working.
Hi, I'm tha galician translator. How can I make a patch?
a patch in case of translations means to submit translated xx.po file to the patch tracker. No xx.patch file creation is required in these cases. Sometimes you only have to .zip or .tar.gz the file with translation before submitting to the patch tracker of inkscape at sf.net(300kB file upload limit).
Ah, and please do not forget to mention for what version of Inkscape the translation patch is. There are two versions available which developers work on these days; SVN-trunk version and 0.44.1-pre release version(this version does not contain some features/strings that SVN version does and it would make errors if svn strings were put into 0.44.1-pre).
sincerely Josef 'cornelius' Vybíral
graffoo píše v St 23. 08. 2006 v 10:42 +0200:
Josef Vybiral wrote:
Hi and be welcome! :)
(sorry for duplicate, I forgot to reply to ML too)
graffoo píše v St 23. 08. 2006 v 08:48 +0200:
Hi all,
I've started making a Slovak translation for Inkscape a few days ago.
was unsatisfied with the state of SK translation and meanings of some words. Some of them didn't made sense in graphics world althought
were translated correctly. So this this not to be taken as jaw out on previous translator. About 20% is done allready. Hope to finish this
about 2-3 weeks ;)
That is great! But also more great it would be if you finish it before the release of 0.44.1 version ;-) (the .po file for this version can be found in .tar.gz package of .44.1-pre1 available at sf.net)
I'll try, we will have two holidays in Slovakia next week so I'll be off the phone and translating like wheeee ;)
Great, if you have any trouble with translating those days, feel free to join us in #inkscape channel at freenode.net or on jabber conference inkscape at conference.gristle.org. At least one member of the team of translators is usually online to help :)
There is one important note, have you already contacted previous translators of the sk.po file if they are not working on it? (To avoid duplication of work).
Ooops, I didn't :( I assumed that they stopped working on it after the patch was closed, see http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1512088&gro... and no other progress was visible last months. But I'll try to contact with them (him?)
Try to contact him and also Zdenko Podobný or slovak language team (both email addresses can be found in the header of sk.po file). Also there was one volunteer a few months ago who wanted to translate too; but I haven't heard about him since the day he tried to communicate with Zdenko & company :) His name/nick was ssuuddoo @gmail iirc. If they tell you that someone is already working on the translation of interface of Inkscape, there are another things to translate, like tutorials, website(I hope we could join czech and slovak translation of inkscape.org website, we have already some pages done in czech)
sincerely Josef 'cornelius' Vybíral
Josef Vybiral wrote:
I've started making a Slovak translation for Inkscape a few days ago.
was unsatisfied with the state of SK translation and meanings of some words. Some of them didn't made sense in graphics world althought
were translated correctly. So this this not to be taken as jaw out on previous translator. About 20% is done allready. Hope to finish this
about 2-3 weeks ;)
That is great! But also more great it would be if you finish it before the release of 0.44.1 version ;-) (the .po file for this version can be found in .tar.gz package of .44.1-pre1 available at sf.net)
I'll try, we will have two holidays in Slovakia next week so I'll be off the phone and translating like wheeee ;)
Great, if you have any trouble with translating those days, feel free to join us in #inkscape channel at freenode.net or on jabber conference inkscape at conference.gristle.org. At least one member of the team of translators is usually online to help :)
OK, if anything goes wrong I'll be there. But hope everything will end up with a sleek slovak speaking inkscape ;)
There is one important note, have you already contacted previous translators of the sk.po file if they are not working on it? (To avoid duplication of work).
Ooops, I didn't :( I assumed that they stopped working on it after the patch was closed, see http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1512088&gro... and no other progress was visible last months. But I'll try to contact with them (him?)
Try to contact him and also Zdenko Podobný or slovak language team (both email addresses can be found in the header of sk.po file). Also there was one volunteer a few months ago who wanted to translate too; but I haven't heard about him since the day he tried to communicate with Zdenko & company :) His name/nick was ssuuddoo @gmail iirc. If they tell you that someone is already working on the translation of interface of Inkscape, there are another things to translate, like tutorials, website(I hope we could join czech and slovak translation of inkscape.org website, we have already some pages done in czech)
Yep the tutorials are the next thing I want to translate. The web is definetly huge for a one man and I think slovak speaking people clearly understand czech language so I could help translating the web to czech language. What about that?
graffoo píše v St 23. 08. 2006 v 11:51 +0200:
If they tell you that someone is already working on the translation of interface of Inkscape, there are another things to translate, like tutorials, website(I hope we could join czech and slovak translation of inkscape.org website, we have already some pages done in czech)
Yep the tutorials are the next thing I want to translate. The web is definetly huge for a one man and I think slovak speaking people clearly understand czech language so I could help translating the web to czech language. What about that?
well, if you count only single webpages, not a wiki, then it is only a few pages to translate :) (plus a huuuge amount of news)
Switching to czech to better describe what is needed to do on website translation:
====== Momentálně máme v češtině skoro celý základní web a chybí jen následující stránky(ten kdo je překládá je nemocný a já si na to ještě nenašel čas): adresář /doc : devdocs-cs.inc a index-cs.inc
adresář /showcase : popisy jednotlivých ukázek
soubor status/index-en.inc -> index-cs.inc
+ případně novinky na úvodní stránce které jsou v adresáři news.
Jak na to je popsáno na stránce, kterou jsi pravděpodobně už na wiki našel (Translation_Information -> Website translation): stáhnout aktuální verzi modulu inkscape_web ze SVN(má 40MB kvůli screenshotům tak místo stahování celého svn modulu lze z svn trackeru na sourceforce stáhnout i samotné soubory), upravit soubory, sbalit, dát do patch trackeru a dát vědět na inkscape-translator; já to pak přečtu a odešlu na web. Ještě musím vymyslet jak zařídit aby se automaticky nahrála stejná stránka pro dvě locales, takže to moc nespěchá a do prázdnin počká :) Kdyžtak se můžeme ještě domluvit přes jabber/icq(viz kontakty na mojem webu) ======
Back in english :)
sincerelly Josef 'cornelius' Vybíral
Hi, I'm tha galician translator. How can I make a patch?
a patch in case of translations means to submit translated xx.po file to the patch tracker. No xx.patch file creation is required in these cases. Sometimes you only have to .zip or .tar.gz the file with translation before submitting to the patch tracker of inkscape at sf.net(300kB file upload limit).
Ah, and please do not forget to mention for what version of Inkscape the translation patch is. There are two versions available which developers work on these days; SVN-trunk version and 0.44.1-pre release version(this version does not contain some features/strings that SVN version does and it would make errors if svn strings were put into 0.44.1-pre).
sincerely Josef 'cornelius' Vybíral
Thanks. Leandro Regueiro
Switching to czech to better describe what is needed to do on website translation:
====== Momentálně máme v češtině skoro celý základní web a chybí jen následující stránky(ten kdo je překládá je nemocný a já si na to ještě nenašel čas): adresář /doc : devdocs-cs.inc a index-cs.inc
adresář /showcase : popisy jednotlivých ukázek
soubor status/index-en.inc -> index-cs.inc
- případně novinky na úvodní stránce které jsou v adresáři news.
Jak na to je popsáno na stránce, kterou jsi pravděpodobně už na wiki našel (Translation_Information -> Website translation): stáhnout aktuální verzi modulu inkscape_web ze SVN(má 40MB kvůli screenshotům tak místo stahování celého svn modulu lze z svn trackeru na sourceforce stáhnout i samotné soubory), upravit soubory, sbalit, dát do patch trackeru a dát vědět na inkscape-translator; já to pak přečtu a odešlu na web. Ještě musím vymyslet jak zařídit aby se automaticky nahrála stejná stránka pro dvě locales, takže to moc nespěchá a do prázdnin počká :) Kdyžtak se můžeme ještě domluvit přes jabber/icq(viz kontakty na mojem webu) ======
no hned po preklade programu sa mozem podielat na preklade webu. Takze potom by som sa ozval co a ako. OK?
Back in english :)
sincerelly Josef 'cornelius' Vybíral
graffoo píše v St 23. 08. 2006 v 13:43 +0200:
Switching to czech to better describe what is needed to do on website translation:
====== Momentálně máme v češtině skoro celý základní web a chybí jen následující stránky(ten kdo je překládá je nemocný a já si na to ještě nenašel čas): adresář /doc : devdocs-cs.inc a index-cs.inc
adresář /showcase : popisy jednotlivých ukázek
soubor status/index-en.inc -> index-cs.inc
- případně novinky na úvodní stránce které jsou v adresáři news.
Jak na to je popsáno na stránce, kterou jsi pravděpodobně už na wiki našel (Translation_Information -> Website translation): stáhnout aktuální verzi modulu inkscape_web ze SVN(má 40MB kvůli screenshotům tak místo stahování celého svn modulu lze z svn trackeru na sourceforce stáhnout i samotné soubory), upravit soubory, sbalit, dát do patch trackeru a dát vědět na inkscape-translator; já to pak přečtu a odešlu na web. Ještě musím vymyslet jak zařídit aby se automaticky nahrála stejná stránka pro dvě locales, takže to moc nespěchá a do prázdnin počká :) Kdyžtak se můžeme ještě domluvit přes jabber/icq(viz kontakty na mojem webu) ======
no hned po preklade programu sa mozem podielat na preklade webu. Takze potom by som sa ozval co a ako. OK?
OK, skvělé :) cornelius
Ah, and please do not forget to mention for what version of Inkscape the translation patch is. There are two versions available which developers work on these days; SVN-trunk version and 0.44.1-pre release version(this version does not contain some features/strings that SVN version does and it would make errors if svn strings were put into 0.44.1-pre).
When will we have a version that contain all the strings of the SVN .po file??
Thanks, Leandro Regueiro
Leandro Regueiro píše v St 23. 08. 2006 v 18:44 +0200:
Ah, and please do not forget to mention for what version of Inkscape the translation patch is. There are two versions available which developers work on these days; SVN-trunk version and 0.44.1-pre release version(this version does not contain some features/strings that SVN version does and it would make errors if svn strings were put into 0.44.1-pre).
When will we have a version that contain all the strings of the SVN .po file??
The svn version will become a regular release in the future. There is no date set when the 0.45 version will be released yet. This version will then contain string from svn version.
Sincerelly Josef 'cornelius' Vybíral
participants (3)
Josef Vybiral
Leandro Regueiro