Re: [Inkscape-translator] Inkscape-translator Digest, Vol 67, Issue 11___ good place to start

I do not quite see where to get in touch with
Elisa / Nico / Marc , (maybe here :-) ??)
but I found out, the FAC is a good place to start.
Kind regards, alain. On 25/02/2015 20:59, wrote:
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Today's Topics:
1. Re: Website: Hackfest donation news (Egor Panfilov) 2. Re: Website: Hackfest donation news (Maren Hachmann) 3. Website translation: French: Alain registered and ready (Maren Hachmann) 4. Website: Downloads page mini-update (Maren Hachmann) 5. Fw: [Inkscape-user] Regarding Inkscape in Indian languages (chandrakant dhutadmal)
Message: 1 Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2015 23:27:15 +0400 From: Egor Panfilov <multicolor.mood@...5...> Subject: Re: [Inkscape-translator] Website: Hackfest donation news To: translators Message-ID: <CAP0v5tkFD1CR-a_+2DnyBuwXenOfSGFXzBqp_psFPs1e0QKMrA@...6...> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Hey, guys!
Sorry for the delay. Russian translation on the topic is done.
Just keeping the movement alive :).
BR, Egor Panfilov
2015-02-12 16:18 GMT+03:00 Maren Hachmann <maren@...325...>:
Thank you, Duarte! :)
Regards, Maren
Am 12.02.2015 um 02:33 schrieb Duarte Ramos:
Portuguese translation completed
Best regards, Duarte
On 11-02-2015 22:48, Maren Hachmann wrote:
Hi everyone!
We've got a news article for the Hackfest donation campaign now, which needs translation into as many languages as possible, to reach as many people as possible :)
Thank you for your contribution to making the Hackfest in April happen!
Regards, Maren

I don't have much time these days, but the usual place to find us quickly is the IRC channel #inkscape-fr Elisa -> yemanjalisa (often present) Nico -> jazzynico (almost everyday) Me -> Mc- (connected 24/7)
participants (2)
alain Jourdrain
Marc Jeanmougin