A few issues with polish translation.

I have a few questions. I've done next tutorial translation - the advanced tutorial. In this SVG file we can find images with English captions. Where do I make translation? Do I provide to SVN serwer translated images (captions) or do I have to translate them on my hard disc and provide only FINISHED SVG file (advanced tutorial)? In SVN serwer I've found only translated files - .po(t) and xml (dockbook). As we know to the package (application) is provided translation of tutorials in SVG files. Also we can find the same tutorials on the Inskscape web page. Who converted dockbook files to full (finished) tutorials then? Where do I have to send finished tutorial and where do I have to publish these html files so that it be on the web page?
Next issue
Why my make-svg script cause that in final file the headings are a bit bigger than in oryginal so that the heading for instace in Advanced tutorial is cut - a bit of it is out of the header:
A text pointed with arrow should be "zaawansowane". So the text in heading is bigger than in oryginal or e.g in german translation - please compare it with oryginal tutorial where the text in heading is smaller.
regards, Wojciech RRH Ryrych
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