Hi ~suv, Not suspecting a change or bug. But just reporting what I saw as not what I expected, in case it might be a change or bug. However, I do see now, where I got confused. So thank you very much for looking into it. Problem solved. :-)
Thanks again, brynn
-------------------------------------------------- From: "su_v" <suv@...2638...> Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 4:09 PM To: inkscape-user@lists.sourceforge.net Subject: Re: [Inkscape-user] Ctrl + Delete issue for deleting nodes
Hi Brynn,
to be honest, I think you are suspecting a change or bug in Inkscape 0.91 were none is.
Attached are two versions of your original drawing, one node-edited with Inkscape 0.48.5, one with Inkscape 0.91 (default new prefs for each test). The result is the same.
Ctrl+Del does not mean that all adjacent nodes are converted to cusp nodes with retracted handles - it means that the handles of adjacent nodes stay unchanged. On the other hand deleting a node in default shape-preserving mode will modify (adjust) the handles of the adjacent nodes to preserve the overall shape of the path (as good as possible).
Regards, V
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