At 12:53 07-02-07 -0600, you wrote:
Would this
Best Regards,
I had in fact seen that page and done those things when the scripts appeared not to work, but that page advise is about version .42.
The advise says: install python24, point $path to it, install pyXML, make effects menu visible.
I suppose in version 0.45 none of these things should be nescessary since it should have all the dependancies packed. Therefore I uninstalled Pyxml and python24 and just unzipped inkscape 0.45-1
I also tried to find a python reference in preferences.xml to edit, but nothing there.
I did find a file called extension-errors.log: which tells me that a lot of dependencies are nog met (see bottom of mail)
Here's why I want the 'groups to pngs' so much.
I'm an editor working in Sony Vegas. It allows you to make titleclips, but if I want to change font/size/'color etc, I have to go through all the clips one by one.
I found out I could set up all the titles in one Inkscape-drawing and export them one by one as png's, import them in Vegas. In Inkscape it's then easy to change all the titles at once. The title page also gives a better overview then the Vegas timeline.
The groups to pngs script would allow me to update all titles in one go (nice if you have 30+ of them).
this is exension-errors.log:
Extension "AI 8.0 Input" failed to load because a dependency was not met.
type: executable
location: path
string: perl
Extension "AI 8.0 Output" failed to load because a dependency was not met.
type: executable
location: path
string: gs
Extension "Dia Input" failed to load because a dependency was not met.
type: executable
location: path
string: dia
description: In order to import Dia files, Dia itself must be installed. You can get Dia at
Extension "DXF Input" failed to load because a dependency was not met.
type: executable
location: path
string: dxf2svg
description: dxf2svg may come with Inkscape, but is also at
Extension "DXF Output" failed to load because a dependency was not met.
type: executable
location: path
string: pstoedit
description: pstoedit must be installed to run; see
Extension "EPSI Output" failed to load because a dependency was not met.
type: executable
location: path
string: ps2epsi
Extension "EPS Input" failed to load because a dependency was not met.
type: executable
location: path
string: gs
Extension "LaTeX formula" failed to load because a dependency was not met.
type: executable
location: path
string: latex
Extension "LaTeX formula" failed to load because a dependency was not met.
type: executable
location: path
string: dvips
Extension "LaTeX formula" failed to load because a dependency was not met.
type: executable
location: path
string: pstoedit
Extension "XFIG Input" failed to load because a dependency was not met.
type: executable
location: path
string: fig2dev
Extension "GIMP XCF" failed to load because a dependency was not met.
type: executable
location: path
string: gimp
Extension "Text Outline Input" failed to load because a dependency was not met.
type: executable
location: path
string: perl
Extension "Postscript Input" failed to load because a dependency was not met.
type: executable
location: path
string: pstoedit
Extension "Random Point" failed to load because a dependency was not met.
type: plugin
location: path
string: randompnt
Extension "Random Position" failed to load because a dependency was not met.
type: plugin
location: path
string: randompos
Extension "Sketch Input" failed to load because a dependency was not met.
type: executable
location: path
string: skconvert
Extension "SVGZ Output" failed to load because a dependency was not met.
type: executable
location: path
string: gzip
Extension "Text Input" failed to load because a dependency was not met.
type: executable
location: path
string: perl
Extension "Windows Metafile Input" failed to load because a dependency was not met.
type: executable
location: path
string: wmf2svg