I am pleased to announce that the 2nd edition of my book "Inkscape: Guide to a Vector Drawing Program" is available at:
A PDF version can be obtained at:
(The book has actually been available for the past month but it came out just as I was leaving for vacation.)
The 2nd edition covers all the new features of Inkscape version 0.46 including SVG filters, "Live Path Effects", the 3D Box Tool, and the Tweak Tool.
Loïc Guégant of Cévennes Libres has done an amazing job of translating the entire book into French. It is available at:
A partial Spanish translation by Ocetalo is also available and an Italian translation has been started but is not yet available.
I would like to thank all the people who have sent me comments and corrections to the previous versions of the book, and to thank Jon Cruz and and Loïc for corrections to the current version. Thanks also to Loïc and Ocetalo for their translation work and to everyone who has contributed to making Inkscape such a great program!