On Aug 20, 2007, at 12:03 AM, Cedric Sagne wrote:

I had a discussion a few months back re SVG features with Chris, who works 

on W3C SVG, on colour space and how these features are implemented in 


To make a long story short, it seems that CMYK colours are perfectly 

supported by SVG standards but that Inkscape only encodes colours as RGB. 

(apart from the fact that you can use a CMYK interface to input them) .

Well... I'd probably not use the word "perfectly", since good support for CMYK would take some proposed things from SVG 1.2, but 1.2 has been "almost done" for years and years now.

We can, though, shoehorn in CMYK with what is in SVG 1.1, it just won't be quite as straightforward a solution. The good news, though, is that once we get *some* support in via icc-color() leverage then the Scribus guys will get stuff hooked up to handle it on their side.