On Wed, Apr 11, 2007 at 07:12:08PM +0200, Donn wrote:
Thanks, Donn!
OK... So I want to map the "Windows" key to "meta" (or something like that), but what do I map to the Alt key? Does it matter?
You know, I thought it would be easy to tell you how to do it. I use Kubuntu (KDE) and I have just spent 10 minutes going through the kcontrol and I cannot find where I set the Win key. There is such a confusing number of keyboard options (most under Regional and Access.) that your best bet is just to wade in and try stuff.
I wish people would rise up in arms and convince those two windows managers to stop stealing an entire meta-key for one mostly useless function. Incidentally, it is under Settings -> Desktop -> Window Behavior -> Window Actions for KWin (KDE).