greetings netizens...

I have a question regarding the use of a wacom tablet, specifically key presses that are mapped via GNOME settings on the Wacom section or if somehow wacom is the culprit in this case.

I'm uncertain if the issue is as a result of mapping the keys in the GNOME settings or if Inkscape needs some time to interpret those mapped keys.

So to get into it, I have mapped the three buttons in GNOME settings to use inkscape shortcuts and they work a good 85% of the time. The issue is that crops up is that, sometimes when pressing those keys Inkscape brings up another dialogue box, which I'm guessing is Inkscape interpreting me pressing those shortcuts keys and me getting the wrong resulting command (the dialogue box).

Here is the exact scenario.

I have a set of multiple images that need to be clipped, duplicated, and converted to a bitmap then continuing along the task of clipping those images from the various areas on the image.

How can I avoid this happening? Or is the only way to press the mapped keys at a slower rate?