Hello Dave,
The red stroke will only show if you remove the stroke from the parent object. You will have to do this from the "style" parameter in the XML of the parent, not from the dialog. If you set the stroke to "X" from the dialog, then the XML becomes "stroke:none" which is inherited by both children, overwriting the red stroke. If you remove "stroke:black" from the parent, you get to see the red stroke in the child.
In my opinion, this is another area where the GUI is being a bit uninformative, but I'm not sure how all this could be shown without confusing the user further.
Dave Lawrence wrote:
I am trying to create a set of cloned objects all of which have the same (inherited) fill color, but have different stroke colors. According to all available documentation, the 'Unset color' means that the fill or stroke color will be inherited and this seems to work perfectly. However, if one of cloned objects is set to a specific color nothing appears to happen. The object colors shown on the status bar seem to show the correct information: fill is 'unset', stroke is red. The XML looks correct too: xlink:href to the 'parent' object and 'style' containing 'stroke:red'.
Have I missed something?
Many thanks,