In Martin's first msg, he said, "Jabier has provided some
information, but no one's stepped forward to help author/edit the idea." Where is that info? Do you mean it's to be included? Or the main idea is
I send it in a private mesage from Toronto. Put publicy down:
Extrapolated Arcs: Thinking about a posible improve. We need to code and show to SVG Working Group
Extensions system: We discuss about new extensions system in a way more usable and transparent to the user. * Centraliced place to extensions/live_effects and maybe filters. * Allow internal LPE handle multiples styles for each pathvector. Good idea but need full redone of LPE roots maybe is not a good thing. * Use images/text as LPE input. Maybe less dificult than previous. * Improve the way to access to filter/LPE/extensions. Seach, tags, categories, descriptions, icons...
Marketing: How to get more founds?, speak about colaboration with Open discussion.
Accesibility: We meet with Amelia about it. She give the main input to the one place filter. Also we speak about switches and languages. We need to coordinate to become inkscape a multilenguage editor, allowig one file for all languages in a webrowser. I propose a solution about this. Use a global document lang switch in editor mode. This means a inkscaper can switch/add/remove... the lang to the document. also is necesary the option to copy contents from other langs or the main one. Because you only see one lang at the same time. Could we use clones? The switch code is done we only need to implement it. Amelia want put his work about how to switch between languages without JavaScript. We also need could define the title and description in a multilingual way.
Font list refresh on the fly. Raphael Roch from put our eyes about this. The way to decide is large but is an automatic way, no button to fire it.