On Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 06:04:56PM +0000, Abrolag wrote:
For my purposes it would be far better if the pointer either stayed as a pointer all the time (with the hot-spot at the tip) or if it had to change, for it to become fine cross-hairs.
Does anyone else find this a problem?
I don't have a problem with it. I have my mouse pointers set to be quite transparent, so I can see things under the move hand, and I picked a set of pointers for which the move hand has its hotspot in an obvious place (just below the gap between the second and third fingers).
If you can't change your pointers or can't make them transparent, a neat workaround is to move objects with the arrow keys, which also helps if you have a tendency to drag the object to just the place you want it and then twitch before you let go of the mouse button.