From: bulia byak <buliabyak@...155...>
Subject: [Inkscape-user] Inkscape for AI users: a revert war :)
- After all, who is this document for? Those who like AI the
way it is will never switch, so it seems stupid to target them
in such a document.
I like Adobe Illustrator. However, it is not feasible to create a cooperative
open-source project (see: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/CostumeShop/ ) which
relies on an expensive piece of proprietary software. That is why I was
initially interested in Inkscape. Now that I have become more familiar with it,
I have grown to like it for its own sake. :)
A. Kwixson has removed my mention of keyboard accessibility
That is an important and useful difference. It should be restored.
B. In the section on shapes, Kwixson has removed my explanation
of the difference between a shape and a path and the unique
features that shapes offer.
Paths and shapes are different. Adobe Illustrator users need to know that they
are different, and what makes each useful in a specific context. This
explanation should be restored.
C. In the section on Node tool, Kwixson provided some very cumbersome
descriptions of how to convert a segment from curve to straight line
and how to continue a path. When I proposed much simpler and more
straightforward ways to do the same, he insisted that his descriptions
closely match the way AI does this and therefore must stay.
This is stupid. The goal of this section of the document is not to slavishly
mimic the procedures of Illustrator. The goal of this section of the document
is to show how the Illustrator user how to achieve the same (or similar)
*result* in the simplest and most straightforward way possible.
Brandon Blackmoor