> 1) Snap of non-scaled contours
I've disabled the scaling of contous. When I take a line with an arrow
end and snap it to a path or anything the countour is scaled during the
procedure and when I release the mouse button the countour scales back
to the original
Probably this bug:
https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/165727 ("display is wrong when transforming by mouse")
> but this also moves the snapped point.
This should not happen, and is not related to the bug above. Maybe you're running into this "bug":
("Endpoint of scaled line segment moves"). This is not really a bug
though, although you could argue about that. IMHO it's consistent but
unexpected behaviour, related to the way inkscape has been coded. Have
you tried using a geometric bounding box instead of a visual bounding
This blog post might also explain some of the behavior your seeing:
http://tavmjong.free.fr/blog/?p=646 (see the "marker clipping" paragraph)
> 2) Snap with alignment
I'd like to scale one side of an rectangle and snap it to a boundary of
another rectangle which has some distance. In Adobe Illustrator I can
move over the path to be aligned to and now this path is included in the
snapping selection. This is a very useful handling. Has someone an idea
if this is possible or might been included in future versions?
referring to smart guides or smart snapping, right? I don't know AI,
but I believe that this has been discussed though at some point, and
some efforts where made in this direction. For now though you will
probably have to use guides for this